Category: Projects

  • Live, not only survive

    This youth exchange project took place from 9 to 17 November 2024 in Poronin with the participation of groups from Cyprus, Italy, Poland, Romania...

  • Let’s talk about talking

    Thanks to non-formal education during the youth exchange implemented by the Erasmus+ program, we raised important issues regarding communication and conversation with other people....

  • Work of art

    In this Erasmus+ project, we implemented two main activities: APV (preparatory visit on the last weekend of July) and the Youth Exchange itself on...

  • Let’s hate hate

    The wide availability of the Internet among children and adolescents is associated with exposure to verbal aggression and hate speech in any environment. The...

  • TolerART

    #wallofgoodwords #tolerart #erasmusplus #youthexchange Our “TolerART” project was created in cooperation with our foreign colleagues, who, like us, see in their environment the growing...

  • New partnerships for effective youth work

    The project aimed to develop contacts, exchange experiences and create new partnerships between participating organizations and enrich the potential of non-governmental organizations in our...